Blog Archive

More 1.4 Teasing

I have done some more work on FuzzMeasure the last few days. Unfortunately, the graph code has just got me bogged right down to a walking pace. That said, I know that it will make the display look even better, and help make working with impulse responses...

1.3.2 Released

I got the last of my fixes put into FuzzMeasure for 1.3.2, and they took quite a bit less work than I originally thought they would. </p> <p> I think I like my addition to allow dragging measurement records to the trash the best. Also, I found some...

1.4 Teaser #1

I have done quite a bit of work on the impulse response display, to make way for more time-domain analysis tools. First and foremost, I threw in support for the graph displaying (which gives us milliseconds on the X axis, and amplitude (V/Vmax) on...

FuzzMeasure and AUs

I discovered this fantastic new use case for FuzzMeasure when developing version 1.3. You see, I encountered a bug in the calculation of the graph display. Using AU Lab, I fixed broken resistor measurements by making slight tweaks to the volume level...

Random Question 1

I feel like asking random questions to "the crowd". Hopefully I can keep a count in my head so I don't have a hundred question 2s. Email your answers to </p> <p> Would you ever buy a set of speakers from eBay provided...

Long feature list!

I have received many emails since I launched 1.3, and I feel happy to report, in general, that "you will see that feature soon". </p> <p> I actually had a pretty long feature list for 1.3, but had to push a lot of features out to 1.4 due to their high...

1.3.1 Released

I noticed a few crash reports trickling in on my bug system. Out of over 1k downloads, I only saw the crash submitted 4 times. Even still, that only represents the users that actually report the issues to me, so I have to assume that this particular...


I get a kick out of making piggy into a hardcore server, and I also feel an increasing need to do so as FuzzMeasure keeps growing more mature. My server holds my databases (customers, bugs, and other stuff), my source code, and my website. As time...