Excuse The Updates
Introduction</b> <p> We all know unit tests suck, right? However, I think they suck in the same way that writing design documents, requirements, or test plans suck. They're all annoying to write. However, every one of them is valuable, no matter...
Today I brought home another addition to my collection of audio devices — the MOTU Traveler. Having a decent collection of devices lets me test how FuzzMeasure behaves under varying device conditions ranging from tons of inputs/outputs (the Traveler...
Wow. 9 days since my last post, and so much has gone on. I don't know if I can think that far into the past with the way my brain's working. </p> <p> At some point during these last 9 days, I decided it was no longer a good idea to speak about FuzzMeasure...
In the wiki, someone posted on the main page a seemingly-invisible attack on PageRank. Fortunately, I can easily check the wiki's diff for a particular change, and catch this crap early on. </p> <p> Some chump went into the main page, and added a...
When I moved into my new place, I had a real tough time with my DSL service, and keeping it stable. It turned out that I had issues with my phone line that required my provider to dial down the DSL profile from 3M/800K to 2.5M/600K (bits) if I wanted...
iTunes 6 came out today, along with some other interesting products. </p> <p> You know what I'm happy about seeing in iTunes 6? They fixed the sharp corners! Compare below (old on left, new on right): </p> <p>
</p> <p> What? You can't see that...
I still have space for more testers, so don't hesitate to contact me and let me know you'd like to help out. Just remember — registered users only. If you buy FuzzMeasure 1.3, you will get FuzzMeasure 1.4 for free, even if you choose not to participate...