What's Going On With FuzzMeasure 3.2?
• Chris Liscio
• Chris Liscio
Lots. Too much, in fact.
So much was going on with FuzzMeasure 3.2 that I had to stop myself in my tracks, cut features, and simply focus on getting the few key changes that I've made so far into my customers' hands.
I wanted FuzzMeasure 3.2 to be a grand release, with major UI changes and features. Unfortunately, what I wanted to offer was well beyond what I was capable of producing in the given time frame. When I got stuck, I turned to my other products and added features to those instead.
Enough is enough. I need to get FuzzMeasure 3.2 out of beta.
What I've done over the past 13 months (yikes) is not insignificant. There are no big splashy features, but it's definitely a far better application than it was a year ago.
For starters, I've added some great new AppleScript commands that should help anyone that needs to do a fair bit of post-processing of impulses. These changes were motivated by members of the impulse response sampling community (the folks that generate convolution reverb presets) who needed FuzzMeasure to do some things it wasn't originally designed to do.
I also spent a great deal of time dealing with performance and stability issues that cropped up due to the huge memory footprint that FuzzMeasure tends to have. (No, that doesn't just mean enabling 64-bit compilation, though Snow Leopard users will be happy to know FuzzMeasure now runs as a native 64-bit binary on systems that support it.)
Speaking of Snow Leopard, a lot of bugs cropped up when Snow Leopard shipped. It turns out that many of my silly programming mistakes—made early on in FuzzMeasure's development—have come back to bite me hard. I'm not exactly sure what Apple did, but lots of ghosts were coming out of the closet. (Ray, Egon, and Peter were not able to offer any help, but rest assured that the ghosts are now mostly gone.)
So you can look forward to FuzzMeasure 3.2 shipping very soon now. Head over to the latest builds page to see the result of what I've been working on all this time, and please let me know what issues you come across while using it.