Announcing: SMUGMath

• Chris Liscio

SMUGMath is an open-source library (MIT License) that is designed for working with large vector data sets. Applications lie in signal processing and statistics, among many others.

The project is located on bitbucket at this URL:

As of this writing, there is only a cursory feature set. The SMUGRealVector and SMUGComplexVector classes are defined, along with a handful of useful operations on either type. There are also some unit tests included, which should help explain the various operations, and allow further tests to be easily written.

SMUGMath's strength lies in its flexibility. You can easily add highly-tuned numerical operations by creating categories on either class, using Apple's Accelerate framework, OpenCL, Grand Central Dispach, or any combination of them, to suit your application.

In the coming weeks, SMUGMath will gain more core functionality relating to signal processing, and some documentation to highlight effective use of the framework. Follow the project on BitBucket to watch these developments as they happen.