Appearance on Inside Mac Radio

• Chris Liscio

A few weeks ago, I was approached by Inside Mac Radio to do an interview on their show. In my initial contact from the producer, it was clear that they found me as a result of my recognition at the Apple Design Awards. Winning is definitely helping me get some excellent exposure for my name and my product.

I was a little bit nervous about the appearance, but my nerves were calmed once I started talking. After taking a listen, I thought I did pretty well and sounded relatively coherent. I am surprised I didn't choke on the word 'acoustician', seeing how I tend to do it a lot.

After doing the interview, I did a little more research about the show, and realized it is a nationally syndicated show that airs on actual radio stations across the USA. It only became a podcast recently, as opposed to starting out as a podcast like I originally thought. It's a good thing I learned this after the interview, because it probably would have made me a little bit more nervous going into the call.

Anyway, for those of you who want to know what I sound like, or for those of you who know me and just want to hear what I sound like on the radio, subscribe to the podcast (requires iTunes) and listen to the show from February 10, 2007. I'm interviewed beginning at 40:20, and the interview goes on for about 9:30.