New FuzzMeasure Wiki

• Chris Liscio

Ever since I first opened access to my FuzzMeasure wiki, it drew hundreds of spam posts. I have grown tired of dealing with the continual defacement of the site, and access statistics have shown that very few folks visited the wiki. Even fewer folks actually edited the content.

So, why bother with a wiki to begin with? Well, the primary reason I wanted a wiki was so that I could very easily manipulate content when I needed to. Unfortunately, each time I'd log in to actually look over and update information, I'd have to spend about 10 minutes cleaning out garbage and blocking IP addresses. This wasn't working very well at all.

In 2007, my year of refinement, I decided to take a very simple approach to fixing my wiki, because the existing situation wasn't working very well for me. Rather than attempting a whole-hog replacement with another wiki engine, I simply wrote a tiny one myself. I just needed to make quick edits, and I wanted it to integrate with the FuzzMeasure site design.

The manual in FuzzMeasure Pro 2.0 got really good, and it's something that I want my users to focus on for answers. Ideally, clarifications should show up in the manual rather than on a wiki. From now on, I want to reduce my existing users' dependence on the wiki as much as possible, and the goal of the wiki's content is to simply address concerns that prospective users might have (hardware suggestions, FAQ, etc).

So, with that said, I present the (very simple) FuzzMeasure Wiki. If you feel any content should be changed or added, let me know.

Oh, and for those of you wondering what got me off my butt to finally correct this issue, you'll find out shortly...