FuzzMeasure Pro 2.0.11 Released
• Chris Liscio
• Chris Liscio
I haven't posted an update-related post in a while. Probably because my old blog engine sucked. Anyway...
FuzzMeasure Pro 2.0.11 went out the door this morning, after a wait that lasted far too long. This turned out to be a good thing, because it gave me some time to think about (and execute) a UI change I've been meaning to make to the inspector window for a long time. Now, instead of a half-populated and half-baked inspector window, I decided to go for a more straightforward and utilitarian approach. Download FuzzMeasure Pro 2.0.11 to check it out for yourself.
Aside from that fairly obvious UI change, some much-needed functionality was added to allow you to arbitrarily shift graphs in the Y axis or apply normalization to records for comparison's sake. Also, bug fixes. Check out the download page to read the full release notes for 2.0.11.
It felt nice to complete some solid coding on FuzzMeasure Pro last night. There's certainly a lot more to be done.