Goodbye pyblosxom, hello WordPress!
• Chris Liscio
• Chris Liscio
I have now entered the modern age of blog management systems.
I switched away from Movable Type a long time ago in favour of pyblosxom, partly because I'm a python-head, and partly because I couldn't easily figure out and extend the system.
Now I'm past all that tinkering, and the whole comments fiasco recently pushed me over the edge. After installing the comments plugin for pyblosxom (which was a world of pain on its own), I had a torrent of spam like I've never seen before. Without some kind of moderation or notification ability, and built-in spam filtering (sorry — nofollow doesn't count), I couldn't possibly hope to keep on top of the comments system.
So I silently disabled it. And then I missed it, fast.
I told myself that during my mini-hiatus, I would make the move to WordPress because I never had the time (or motivation) to do it before. The act of managing posts, new and old, has become much easier. I can easily go back to very old posts that never survived the import (or contained inaccurate data), update their contents, retain timestamps, etc., with ease. Boy am I glad I did this now that it's all working.
Anyway, I hope this results in a better blogging experience for us all.