FuzzMeasure Pro 2 Now Available
• Chris Liscio
• Chris Liscio
What a crazy 9 months it has been. FuzzMeasure Pro 2.0 is now ready for human consumption. </p> <p> I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into making this software. FuzzMeasure Pro 2 lets you do so much more than any 1.x release ever could. The extra analysis modes, plugins, and even the user guide are such a giant leap ahead of everything about 1.x. </p> <p> The UI is also a major improvement over FuzzMeasure 1.x. The graphs are very dynamic, and look like professionally printed graphs right on your screen! Sometimes I take a step back and marvel at what I've done with this software. </p> <p> This time around, FuzzMeasure is also in a much more easily maintainable state. Improving performance and fixing bugs is easier than ever, because my code's that much cleaner and well-organized. </p> <p> And speaking of code, FuzzMeasure Pro 2 contains a whopping 32,770 source lines of code (not comments!). Compare that to FuzzMeasure 1.3, which maxed out at 16,786 lines of code. Note: those numbers were generated using David A. Wheeler's SLOCCount. </p> <p> So, I hope all of you enjoy the new release. FuzzMeasure Pro is now a very capable acoustical measurement tool that can really hold its own against the big boys costing 2x or more the price. </p> <p> Oh yeah — I completely forgot! All you 1.x purchasers get the 2.0 release FOR FREE! That's right — even though I said you'd only get up until the next major release, I'm giving you the new product at no cost, to say “thanks” for supporting me early on. In return, you can tell your friends about FuzzMeasure! </p>