Beta 2 Work Progresses

• Chris Liscio

For those of you getting a little tired of working with FuzzMeasure 2.0b1, relief is in sight. However, it's still a little ways off. </p> <p> I re-added the mouse-controlled window editing functionality, and gave it a new spin in the UI. I think you'll like how it looks. </p> <p> I'm also working on some other UI related changes, which has caused some code to get restructured even more. The only way I can try and maintain stability in the product is to keep the code as high-quality as possible throughout. That means maximizing reusability between components (especially where calculations are at stake), and testing each component as I go along. </p> <p> I also did some work to optimize the analysis calculations at the base of the drawing routines, so that things aren't calculated unnecessarily. I managed to decrease the CPU usage considerably when redrawing, which means the UI may feel more responsive. On my MacBook Pro, resizing the impulse window has gotten much smoother (when I thought it couldn't!). </p> <p> So, you can expect a few really exciting new items soon. I just hope that the Sparkle-powered updates work "as advertised" once I push out the update. :) </p>