Gainclone vs FuzzMeasure

• Chris Liscio

Since I first mentioned my gainclone project on the site (learn a bit about where the gainclone terminology came from here), I started getting regular Google search hits from users looking for 'gainclone'. </p> <p> After FuzzMeasure came out, it had moderate success on its own, and searches for 'FuzzMeasure' would trickle in. In the beginning, gainclone searches outweighed FuzzMeasure searches by 10x in my Google referrer stats. </p> <p> In my own mind, I had a gainclone vs FuzzMeasure battle that would fight itself out on my Mint stats page. For a very long time after my 1.2 release, gainclone searches continued topping FuzzMeasure searches with about 2x the hits. After 1.3, the lead shrank significantly to a mere 1.2x lead for gainclone. So close! </p> <p> Now, the battle seems to have been won, and the clear winner is FuzzMeasure. FuzzMeasure now gets me 2x the hits that gainclone does. It feels great (to win contensts played out in your mind)! </p> <p> I'm especially excited to report this shift in my stats, because it signals to me that the FuzzMeasure name is catching on in the world. Folks have the word FuzzMeasure in their mind, and they will seek it out on Google. So, if you read this article as a result of a FuzzMeasure search, thanks for helping to fight the good fight! </p>