Apache2 Finally!
• Chris Liscio
• Chris Liscio
After meaning to make the switch for a long time, I finally got Apache 2 to serve the pages you're reading right now. If you notice any weird behavior with my site, please let me know as soon as possible. </p> <p> The longer-term plan is to move piggy's debian installation over to a Gentoo installation, because I'm getting a little bit tired of how Debian runs things (i.e. slowly). I'm a bleeding-edge sort of guy, and can tolerate doing most of the work all by myself. Sometimes, I have found that Debian's been behind on certain packages that I've relied on, and manually installing them required a bit of a struggle with the Debian apt system. </p> <p> So, with that said, I now have a second, older machine, that's housing my future web/email/etc server. I will slowly be transitioning this apache2 installation over to that box, and proxy the web requests through to it. Once I get all the services ported over in full, then I'll take piggy down and swap HDDs. The final stage will involve reinstating the RAID volume and populating it with data once again. </p> <p> This whole process will take a while, though, and I really can't afford too much downtime. It's really weird to have a production server that's getting a relatively constant stream of hits, and it's even weirder to think that while it's down, I can't make any sales. I'm dealing with some really serious stuff here! </p> <p> Oh, and if you wonder why I've been pretty quiet, it's because I've been working on a launch site for the next FuzzMeasure release, and setting up all this server junk as well. I'm taking a break from FuzzMeasure for a few days, but I'm also fixing some of the easier FuzzMeasure bugs when I get sick of working on the site/server. Either project can drive you nuts if you work on it for too long… </p>