Pre-Beta Beta

• Chris Liscio

As some of you already know, I'm running a very limited pre-beta program with the folks that responded to my earlier request for registered users (and a few more that I thought needed to participate as well) to help with testing. If you want to join in the fun, let me know. You know where to find me. </p> <p> So far, everyone who's used this release is really enjoying it. I've completed a lot of features that were on folks' wish lists since version 1.0. I'm glad to hear the positive comments. </p> <p> Sadly, I still have a mile-long todo list, and there are a handful of huge additions on that list. For example, electrical measurements are still completely missing. I have all the code ready to do curve-fitting, but I still have to get a better idea of how to integrate it into the UI. There are also a bunch of standard acoustical measurement figures that I need to calculate and integrate into FuzzMeasure. Again, these have code, but no place in the UI yet. </p> <p> This last 20% of the project takes the most time to complete. I've been working on the "last 20%" for at least the last 4 months. :) </p>