First Day of 2006
• Chris Liscio
• Chris Liscio
Happy New Year!</b> <p> One year and one day ago, I posted about the Last Day of 2004. At the time, I had released FuzzMeasure 1.0 just over a month before, and made a few bucks from it. I didn't end up choosing a resolution, like I said I would — I had FuzzMeasure on my mind. </p> <p> 2005 was a great year for FuzzMeasure. I got some major releases out, made decent sales (nothing I could really live off of), and most importantly, I made a lot of valuable mistakes. </p> <p> So, my resolution for 2006 is to make more mistakes. I will keep running my small software business, continue developing my products, and work hard to support those products — learning along the way. </p>