Bug Squashing for 1.3.3

• Chris Liscio

I have a few crashes that showed up over the last little while. One crash seems to happen to Mac mini owners only, and the other one got reported by digi002 owners. Aside from the crashes, some small issues creeped up that I might as well fix while I have my hands in the code. </p> <p> Essentially, the lack of an audio input device on the Mac mini device would throw FuzzMeasure a curve ball and result in a crash. I wrote code to detect this scenario, but it seems to not work as I expected. I threw in another fix which will hopefully resolve this. If you have a Mac mini, please try 1.3.3b1 (link below) without any external audio device hooked up and let me know if you experience a crash a few seconds after you hit 'Measure'. This fix will also help users that test their Audio Units in SoundFlower, and accidentally forget to hook the loopback back into FuzzMeasure. I now detect that I haven't recorded anything, and display a message to the user. </p> <p> The problem plaguing the digi002 resulted from a lack of foresight in my coding. Often, very high-end audio devices will actually provide separate deinterleaved audio streams. During all my audio testing, I have never encountered such a device, as all my devices (including the FireWire 1814) work with multiplexed data streams. As a result, my code never got exercised for this type of behavior. Sure enough, I had some fundamental problems with my audio code that did not work with this configuration. I rewrote huge gobs of code in the audio controlling objects, and now everything appears to work swell on all my devices. Early reports indicate that the digi002 now operates properly in FuzzMeasure as well. Bug squashed. </p> <p> If you wish to get your hands on these fixes early (to help me test that they worked, or just to get a head-start on having the fixes, download FuzzMeasure 1.3.3b1 now. </p>