More 1.4 Teasing

• Chris Liscio

I have done some more work on FuzzMeasure the last few days. Unfortunately, the graph code has just got me bogged right down to a walking pace. That said, I know that it will make the display look even better, and help make working with impulse responses less painful. </p> <p> During this painful work, I added a few fun things on the calculation end to support some new visualizations in the time domain. Most notably, I have added the ability to analyze a speaker's step response, as well as displaying the impulse response in decibels (to make reverb sampling easier!). The former feature will most certainly help the loudspeaker builders among my users, and the latter will help the acoustic consultants among you. </p> <p> FuzzMeasure 1.4 development has gone fairly well so far. I hope to have a beta out in a short time, but I may hit some unexpected development snags, as usual. Stay tuned! </p>