Still Grinding Away

• Chris Liscio

Sorry about the lack of updates. I have spent the majority of my free time hacking away on 1.3. Some extra features got into the mix, and I have more ideas about how to present the correction features to the user. Unfortunately, the best ideas about presenting the correction features to the user have to wait until 1.4, and 1.3 will only contain a very simple interface for combining measurements. </p> <p> You see, FuzzMeasure now handles a lot of measurements. Once you have all these measurement records, you can go a step further and combine them in interesting ways. You could convolve two records, create inverses, do correlations, average multiple records, etc. The possibilities have grown significantly with the new code I added in 1.3. Unfortunately, I have not yet provided a UI that I feel allows users to fully tap the power of combining measurements in FuzzMeasure. For now, I will take an approach that presents the features in terms of what users would most commonly do with their measurements. </p> <p> Looking back, it would appear that my .x releases, where x represents an odd number, correspond to significant processing-related features getting added. My .y releases, where y represents an even number, correspond to significant UI features getting added. Perhaps I will end up continuing with this trend, as after I spend so much time adding great, powerful processing features, I then start to see opportunities where I can simplify and generalize the application of those concepts. </p> <p> I think that I can make 1.3b2 available in the next two weeks, barring any unforseen issues popping up. I have about 80% of the new features completed, and I expect to get the last 20% done shortly. </p>