FuzzMeasure 1.3b1 Released

• Chris Liscio

Get it here </p> <p> Okay, so I didn't remove log sweeps yet. I determined the change would require too much more work than I wanted to put into 1.3. That, and I have taken some time off from my day job for the next two weeks, so a beta makes sense at this point. </p> <p> I think that this beta could almost qualify for release candidate status. I just need you all to try measuring as many things as possible with 1.3 to make sure that the changes I made to the impulse response and FFT processing did not cause any issues. Those of you using electrical measurements should pay extra attention, and anyone doing acoustical measurements should just ensure things look similar to how they did in 1.2.2. I want to know of any problems you find, no matter how small. </p> <p> If I do not hear about any issues over the next week (ha!), I will just throw 1.3 out there, alert the sites, etc. I have spent a lot of time with it lately (measuring my home theater! keep your eye on the wiki!), and it seems to work beautifully. </p>