FuzzMeasure 1.2.2 Done
• Chris Liscio
• Chris Liscio
I have sat on FuzzMeasure 1.2.2 long enough. I finally tracked down the one crashing bug that got submitted to my automatic bug reporting tool about 5 or 6 times, which stemmed from my misuse of a timer object. Unfortunately, the bug only showed its face a few times on my machine, and I could not reproduce it on demand. When trying to track down a drawing bug, Quartz Debug allowed me to slow FuzzMeasure down quite a bit and trigger the bug on demand! The fix only took about 20 minutes, including some browsing sample code to figure out what I did wrong. </p> <p> I also added view focus indication to the UI, so that certain actions do not come as such a shock to the user. For example, when the impulse view owns focus, and the user hit the delete key to delete the current measurement record, FuzzMeasure would beep at them and they would not immediately figure out why. Now, the measurement collection view grays out to indicate that it does not have focus for keyboard and mouse operations. This corresponds with the standard behavior of all applications on Mac OS X, but I needed to solve other issues before I could get it fully sorted out. </p> <p> So, after knowing that, you can now download FuzzMeasure 1.2.2. I plan to update the automatic version notification shortly, and I will notify the big download services on Monday. </p> <p> I think I got the last of the issues stamped out for the 1.2 release, and I can now start working on coding up 1.3, which I hope to have complete before the introductory pricing runs out. </p>