Wiki Mania

• Chris Liscio

Since all the cool people have them nowadays, I might as well start up a wiki of my own. Okay, so I can think of some better reasons than just jumping on the bandwagon. </p> <p> Because FuzzMeasure has so many different applications, and I cannot possibly try to cover (and test) them all myself, I'm leaving it up to my users to fill in the cracks with their own experiences. For example, I do not see myself gaining access to a concert hall to grab its impulse response, nor do I have any convolution reverb software of my own to test the impulse against. However, one of my users may have used FuzzMeasure for this purpose with great results, and can post an audio clip of just how good it sounds to apply that impulse response to a dry vocal track. </p> <p> When trying to document how well different devices work with FuzzMeasure, I can't think of a better way to allow users to submit their own information for the benefit of others looking to purchase measurement devices. I cannot possibly go out and buy all the hardware out there, even though it felt as if I had done so the last few months. </p> <p> If you visit the site now, you will surely notice that the wiki lacks in the content department. Also, I have not yet thrown together a snazzy icon. Feel free to browse around, and make edits as you please. </p>