Tiger Update

• Chris Liscio

This is an update regarding my original post on May 5 called Tiger Breakage. </p> <p> It turns out that two out of those three problems which were reported by my testers are not problems at all. The third has already been fixed by me. :) </p> <p> So, the only thing wrong with FuzzMeasure 1.2 in Tiger is missing borders on the measurement record thumbnails (the tiny copies of your frequency response graph in the measurement collection view). Beyond that, I have not seen any problems on Tiger, and have not heard of any more. </p> <p> Also, I decided to make the leap over to Tiger on my development machine (while having a copy of Panther on-hand for testing – don't worry!), and have been working with it for the last week. I recommend making the change if you have the time to do it from scratch. </p> <p> I have also noticed an increase in productivity since I moved. Spotlight allows me to find the things I need quite easily, and I'm looking forward to adding Spotlight support to FuzzMeasure in the near future. </p>