Neat New Feature For 1.2.1
• Chris Liscio
• Chris Liscio
I recently finished coding a new feature that I will include in the 1.2.1 release (which should be coming out shortly). For a while, I started to notice that FuzzMeasure documents were getting larger and larger, but I didn't have any reason to slim them down, as they didn't really need to be put online or anything. </p> <p> Well, I've been passing lots of FuzzMeasure documents around with users and testers lately, plus I plan to put a few example measurements online soon. During the last little while, I realized that there was a lot of data that was being ignored in the measurement collection once the user was happy with their analysis window. Finally, I coded up the "Crop To Window" feature in the Impulse menu. This is essential for keeping your saved measurements under control. </p> <p> Some documents would be almost 10MB in size, which is nuts. After cropping down to the windowed impulse response, file sizes have dropped to well under 1MB. Some have even gotten as small as 4k, which is perfect for distributing online, or via email. </p> <p> While thinking about this, I realized that it was really cool that people are out there using my software, and passing me their measurments to check out. I can do so much problem diagnosis much more easily when I can actually see what the user has captured. Furthermore, it's cool to think that people wouldn't even be able to capture these things had I not developed FuzzMeasure in the first place! </p> <p> Oh, and regarding 1.2.1's availability – I'm holding off on it until I can stomp on this one really elusive (crashing) bug that I'm hearing about. I had it happen a few times, but can never reproduce it on command. The stack crawl isn't helping me out, either. :P </p>