Note: Capo 2 requires Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard. If you are running 10.5, please download Capo 1.1.
How to Buy
The store is built right into Capo, so download it first and try before you buy! Then, when you're ready, click Purchase from the Capo menu.

Episode 4: Building Skill (2:38)
Here's a quick tip about building your skill gradually to play your favorite solos using Capo, and some practice.

Episode 3: Learning Chords (8:20)
I'll show you how to learn the chord progression of a song, as well as the song's key, using nothing but Capo and your ears.

Episode 2: Tuning and Recordings (4:57)
I'll walk you through the process of tuning your guitar to a song, or tuning the song to your guitar using Capo.